Welcome to Lattouf Safety and Uniform Manufacturer,

Lattouf Safety and Uniform Manufacturer was founded in 2005 which became one of the best safety equipment places in lebanon due to its experience of more than fifty years in development and production of every aspect of safety gear.

Goals & Progress

Setting goals to drive Sustainability progress is nothing new at . We have been setting global environmental goals since 2000. A strong part of our company history, these goals have helped dramatically reduce our own environmental footprint and established us as a leader in environmental stewardship.
Moving forward, we are proud to expand beyond our own operations by focusing more on supporting the Sustainability goals and needs of our customers and our communities. While we recognize the importance of what we do in our own operations, and will continue to improve accordingly, we see that far greater impact can be realized when we partner to understand and overcome the challenges we face in partnership with others.

We approach our Sustainability goals and strategy by:

• delivering excellence in operations and across our supply chain;
• innovating to improve lives with our customers and partners; and,
• enriching our communities where we live and work.

When we think about our customers, partners, and communities, and our mutual challenges and needs, we see a shared opportunity. In addition to environmental challenges, we recognize the connectedness of social challenges we face in pursuing a better world. Our ambition, working collaboratively, is to realize a world where every life is improved – where natural resources are reliably available, people everywhere have access to education and opportunity, and communities are safe, healthy, connected and thriving.

We have framed our goals and plans for the next 10 years around shared global challenges, toward realizing that world in the future. Recognizing the interconnections and overlap of the commitments we’re making and their impact on multiple challenges, we have organized our efforts by the primary challenge each goal is working to overcome. Unless otherwise noted, all goals are global, have a 2015 baseline, and a 2025 end date.
We invite you to learn more and to join us on this journey toward improving every life.